Inspection Process

Inspection Process

Inspection Contingency

The review and inspection process will be much like that of a traditional offer. The QuickBuy® team will work with you to schedule a home inspection with our inspectors and the seller, once we received the executed contract. We aim to have the inspection scheduled within 3 business days of contract execution, so the process is as quick and streamlined as possible.

Once the inspection is complete, the team will send out an inspection contingency resolution, with any required repairs/credit being requested from the seller. QuickBuy® makes every effort to waive minor repairs noted in the report. QuickBuy® will work with the seller who has the option to 1. Correct the issues of concern, or 2. Issue a reasonable credit, whichever the seller elects. The seller has the option of obtaining a copy of the inspection report from the QuickBuy® team.

Other inspections that may be necessary before QuickBuy® closes on the home could be:

  • Septic or well

  • Pool

  • UFT (underground fuel tank)

  • Any county/township required inspections for sale

The QuickBuy® team will advise if any of these additional inspections will be needed.

Sellers may choose to cancel the agreement if they do not wish to move forward with inspection repairs.

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