Importance of Marketing QuickBuy®

Importance of Marketing QuickBuy®

It is important to market QuickBuy® programs at every opportunity, both to drive new interest and connect with your Sphere of Influence and beyond to find new sellers.

Sellers have made it clear they are interested in learning the “iBuy” value of their property before they list, so it is in the agent’s interest to make sure every seller knows they can bring an immediate offer and other solutions to the table, in addition to a traditional sale option. This prevents sellers from turning to the web before they contact the agent. The goal of QuickBuy® is to keep the agent central to all transactions. Overall, most sellers will opt for a traditional listing, but if they turn to the web first, the agent has lost that listing opportunity for good.

Before the listing appointment, agents will qualify the home on the QuickBuy® app to determine if immediate offer options are available to the seller. Through “Discovery” questions the agent can learn if the seller may be interested in those options and, if so, can complete the photos and steps in the app (see “Requesting an Offer”) and present an offer in 1-2 business days.

 Offering more solutions for your sellers than any other agent is what helps you stand out from the rest of the pack.

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