Agent and Customer Benefits

Agent and Customer Benefits

Changing consumer behavior is the major influencer in the growth of ibuying.

Today’s consumer is looking for the same thing  no matter what the industry – cars, clothing, food or services, and now homes - they want speed, convenience, and certainty.

When it comes to real estate, instant offers may not be for everyone – but there are segments of people who will always opt for convenience and are willing to pay for it. 


The Benefits of QuickBuy® Immediate Offers


  • Certainty and convenience in the transaction

  • Fast, no-worry home sale

  • Move on to next transaction quickly and cash in hand

  • Be a ready buyer in tight inventory market


  • Better , faster  home sale for agent with an improved property

  • QuickBuy® is a motivated, non-emotive seller

  • You and your brokerage branding that is promoted to the community at large.

  • Keep your sign in the yard all transactions

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